Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
14, 2, 2015, 143-157

Influence analysis of counterweight type used in static plate test on identified parameters of pavement courses and subgrade

Bartłomiej Krawczyk Mail
Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Piotr Mackiewicz Mail
Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Antoni Szydło Mail
Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Published: 2015-07-21


The requirements of the current standards and specifications do not give clear guidance as to the design of counterweight during the static plate load test. For example, there are no detailed requirements concerning the weight of vehicle used as the counterweight. On the basis of field test results the authors have managed to demonstrate that the weight and the type of counterweight both have a considerable effect on the value of E-modulus measured after second loading. Moreover, in order to find the cause of the above-mentioned differences the deflection basins were analysed through numerical computations in flexible medium. The analyses were carried out for three different subgrade/base layer systems. The E-moduli obtained in the second loading cycle were compared between the two types of counterweight used in the test: a typical heavy truck and an excavator bucket.


deflection basin, deformation modulus, vehicle weight impact, VSS (static plate load test)

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Influence analysis of counterweight type used in static plate test on identified parameters of pavement courses and subgrade

Krawczyk, Bartłomiej; Mackiewicz, Piotr; Szydło, Antoni. Influence analysis of counterweight type used in static plate test on identified parameters of pavement courses and subgrade. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 2, p. 143-157, jul. 2015. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 May. 2024. doi: