Submitting an article to RaBDiM is free of charge. The condition for publication is to go through the entire editorial process and obtain a positive opinion from two Reviewers. After acceptance for publication, the Author/Authors will be informed about the method and deadline for payment.
The article processing charge (covering the publisher's production costs) is 3000 PLN / 750 USD / 715 EUR + VAT tax.
Payment details:
Road and Bridge Research Institute
“Roads and Bridges – Drogi i Mosty” Editorial Office
1 Instytutowa St., 03-302 Warsaw, Poland
Bank Pekao S.A.
for payment in PLN – account number: 43 1240 6074 1111 0000 4998 4831
for payment in USD – account number: PL94 1240 6074 1787 0000 4994 6233, Swift: PKOPPLPW
for payment in EUR – account number: PL14 1240 6074 1978 0000 4992 0275, Swift: PKOPPLPW
If the submitted text exceeds the adopted length limit of 7500 words (word equivalent for a figure or a table is assumed as 250 words, the Editorial Office may still consider its acceptance in justified cases. However, upon consultation with the Authors, increased processing costs of paper may be charged.
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025)
Opublikowane: 2025-03-05