Author Guidelines

  1. Introductory remarks
  2. The eligibility criteria for publication
  3. Paper submission
    1. General rules
    2. Article processing charge
  4. Preparing a paper for submission
    1. Detailed paper formatting requirements
    2. Bibliography formatting details
    3. Details about the publication process


I. Introductory remarks

Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office are reviewed by independent experts in the field. The review process is confidential, but a cumulative list of Reviewers and their affiliations is published once a year. The Review form is available below. While submitting the paper Authors are requested to fill in the declaration provided below.

II. The eligibility criteria for publication

  • Compliance with the journal’s scope.
  • Originality.
  • Significance of contribution to the present state of knowledge.
  • Fulfillment of formal requirements.
  • Verification of similarity to others based on the report of the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program..

III. Paper submission

a. General rules

  1. Currently, the journal "Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty" publishes articles only in English, therefore the content of the submitted work should be written only in English.
  2. The content of the paper, its form and language are the responsibility of the Author/Authors. In the case of Authors for whom English is not their native language, the Editors may request a certificate from a professional translation company attesting to the correctness of the English language (proofreading certificate).
  3. Submitting an article to RaBDiM is equivalent to declaring that the content of the work is original, has not been previously published and has not been sent for publication to another scientific journal before submitting it to RaBDiM.
  4. Submitting a paper to RaBDiM is equivalent to a declaration that in the event of obtaining a positive decision from two Reviewers and the Editor-in-Chief to accept the paper for publication, the Author/Authors will pay a fee for processing and publication in the Journal. Submitting an article is free of charge.
  5. For formal reasons, the maximum number of Authors of an article is 8.

b. Article processing charge

Submitting an article to RaBDiM is free of charge. The condition for publication is to go through the entire editorial process and obtain a positive opinion from two Reviewers. After acceptance for publication, the Author/Authors will be informed about the method and deadline for payment.

The article processing charge (covering the publisher's production costs) is 3000 PLN / 750 USD / 715 EUR + VAT tax.

Payment details:

Road and Bridge Research Institute
“Roads and Bridges – Drogi i Mosty” Editorial Office
1 Instytutowa St., 03-302 Warsaw POLAND

Bank Pekao S.A.
for payment in PLN – account number: 43 1240 6074 1111 0000 4998 4831
for payment in USD – account number: PL94 1240 6074 1787 0000 4994 6233, Swift: PKOPPLPW
for payment in EUR – account number: PL14 1240 6074 1978 0000 4992 0275, Swift: PKOPPLPW

IV. Preparing a paper for submission (content, formatting, file)

The article should contain the following:

  1. title page,
  2. the main text of the article,
  3. acknowledgements (e.g. on the research project within which the research described in the paper was carried out – if necessary),
  4. list of bibliographic items,
  5. list of tables with their captions and a list of figures with their captions.

a. Detailed paper formatting requirements:

  1. The paper is limited to 7500 words, including the abstract, text, bibliography, tables and figures. The equivalent of one table or figure is 250 words (for example: if the article contains 6 figures and 4 tables, the rest of the article should not exceed 5000 words).
  2. The paper should be prepared in Word format (docx, doc file).
  3. The paper should be written in English.
  4. The main text of the article should be written in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing (relative to the size of the characters) and 2.5 cm margins on all sides..
  5. On the title page, which is the first page in the submitted file, you should provide (in the following order):
    1. date of submission of the article,
    2. first and last names of the Authors – along with the assigned ORCID number (if there is none, please inform the editorial office), affiliation and contact details (name of the university, faculty, actual address, work e-mail address of the Author, and in the case of the Author submitting the article, also the phone number),
    3. title of the article,
    4. keywords – arranged alphabetically, from 4 to 7,
    5. abstract of the article – from 120 to 150 words, precisely describing the content of the article, including information on the purpose and scope of the work, results and conclusions without references to the bibliography, including templates,
    6. total volume of the article – expressed in the number of words (main content + total equivalent for tables and figures).
  6. Figures should be placed in the article after the paragraph of the main content in which the first citation occurs. They should then be placed separately in the submission (preferred formats for graphs and graphics: ai, pdf, svg, eps; preferred formats for photographs: png, jpg, tif). Figures should be numbered in the article using Arabic numerals and accompanied by a title.
  7. Tables should be placed in the article after the paragraph of the main content in which the first citation occurs (the separator in decimal fractions should be a period only, not a comma). Tables should be numbered in the article using Arabic numerals and accompanied by a title.
  8. Equations should be numbered with Arabic numerals in round brackets, maintaining the order throughout the article. Only SI units should be used (and described below the equation).
  9. Symbols used in the text should be explained in the actual content of the paper.
  10. In a paper prepared for submission, please insert continuous line numbering for the entire text.
  11. In case of failure to meet the requirements, the submitted works will be returned to the Authors with a request for appropriate modifications and additions.

b. Bibliography formatting details:

  1. Publications cited in the article should be in English or possibly Polish (if no English title is available). It is permissible to cite a maximum of 2 items in other languages (provided that titles of publications in an alphabet other than Latin must be transcribed).
  2. Items cited in the text should be placed in square brackets, chronologically, e.g. [1], [2], [3].
  3. The maximum number of publications cited in an article is 40.
  4. Please do not refer to unpublished works, internal reports, etc.
  5. In the bibliography list at the end of the paper, all bibliographic data of cited publications should be provided, in case:
    1. books – surname and first letter of the name of the Author/Authors, book title, publisher, place and year of publication,
      e.g. Kurdowski W.: Chemia cementu i betonu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2010
    2. article in a journal – surname and first letter of the name of the Author/Authors, title of the article, title of the journal, volume (bold), number, year of publication, number of the first and last page of the article, DOI number,
      e.g. Krawczyk B., Mackiewicz P., Dobrucki D.: Use of plastic waste in materials for road pavement construction and improved subgrade. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 21, 3, 2022, 203-216, DOI: 10.7409/rabdim.022.012
    3. chapter or article in a co-authored work – surname and first letter of the name of the Author/Authors of the chapter/article, title of the chapter/article, title of the collective work preceded by the preposition "in", (volume in bold/number), publisher, place and year of publication, number of the beginning and end pages of the chapter/article,
      e.g. Bebłacz D., Glinicki M.A.: Wpływ domieszek i dodatków do betonu na wytrzymałość i trwałość betonu w prefabrykowanych pokrywach studni, w: Beton modyfikowany do dróg i mostów. Seria „S” Studia i materiały, zeszyt 62, IBDiM, Warszawa, 2010, 47-56
    4. papers published in conference materials – surname and first letter of the name of the Author/Authors, title of the paper, title of the conference materials, publisher, place and year of publication, pages,
      e.g. Glinicka A.: Badania osiowego rozciągania prętów z wybranych gatunków stali zbrojeniowych. LOGITRANS - VII Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Logistyka, Systemy Transportowe, Bezpieczeństwo w Transporcie, Szczyrk, 2010, 1581-1588
    5. electronic publications – surname and first letter of the name of the Author/Authors, title of the work, (place), year of publication, internet address (full, with the http:// or https:// protocol), date of access,
      e.g. Green B.: Canny Edge Detection, 2002,, available: 02.02.2012

c. Details about the publication process:

  1. The editors reserve the right to make abbreviations and editorial changes to articles accepted for publication.
  2. Before publication, the article prepared by the Editors is subject to authorial proofreading, within which the Author/Authors have the right to make any necessary corrections. At this stage of work processing, they should be minor changes only, not significantly interfering with the layout of the article and not containing any substantive changes. Corrections should be made in the form of comments to the file in Adobe Acrobat (or another program that allows reading in the above program). The Author is responsible for the final content of the article, its form and language.

Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025)
Opublikowane: 2025-03-05

ISSN: 1643-1618
eISSN: 2449-769X

Instytut Badawczy Dróg i Mostów / Road and Bridge Research Institute

Licence CC-BY 4.0
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