How to Cite our Papers

Papers published in the quarterly journal “Roads And Bridges – Drogi I Mosty” should be cited by the full quarterly title, written properly.

Since 2002 to 2012 journal have appeared in polish edition as “Drogi I Mosty” but article title and abstracts were translated into English. The new title is just extension of the previous one, the English translation of the former title was added. The quarterly ISSN and the rule of the volumes numbering order were not changed so we recommend to cite all articles that have appeared since 2002 with the extended quarterly title: Roads and Bridges -Drogi i Mosty"

Please cite articles published in RaBDiM using the format preferred by the journal’s editorial office, as shown in the examples below:

[-] Tcheutchoua Soh M.C., Sonna Donko M., Maiorana E.: Aeroelastic analysis of non-conventional and slender suspension bridges. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 23, 4, 2024, 335-354, DOI: 10.7409/rabdim.024.016

[-] Szydło A., Mackiewicz P.: Determination of deflections of an innovative pavement structure containing a three-component hydraulic binder. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 22, 1, 2023, 5-17, DOI: 10.7409/rabdim.023.001

[-] Ryś D., Jaskuła P., Szydłowski C.: Comprehensive temperature performance evaluation of asphalt mastics containing hydrated lime filler based on dynamic shear rheometer testing. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 23, 4, 2024, 355-373, DOI: 10.7409/rabdim.024.017

[-] Kossakowski P.: The numerical modeling of failure of S235JR steel using Gurson-Tvergaard-Needelman material model. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 11, 4, 2012, 295-310

Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025)
Opublikowane: 2025-03-05

ISSN: 1643-1618
eISSN: 2449-769X

Instytut Badawczy Dróg i Mostów / Road and Bridge Research Institute

Licence CC-BY 4.0
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