
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  1. Introductory remarks
  2. The eligibility criteria for publication or rejection
  3. How to submit an article for the quarterly "Roads and Bridges-Drogi i Mosty"?
  4. Detailed authors guidelines.

I. Introductory remarks

Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Office are reviewed by independent experts in the field. The review process is confidential, but a cumulative list of Reviewers and their affiliations is published once a year. The Review form is available below. While submitting the paper Authors are requested to fill in the declaration provided below.

  1. Review Form
  2. Authors Declaration

II.The eligibility criteria for publication or rejection:

  1. Compliance with the journal’s scope.
  2. Originality.
  3. Significance of contribution to the present state of knowledge.
  4. Fulfillment of formal requirements.

III.How to submit an article for the quarterly "Roads and Bridges-Drogi i Mosty" ?

  1. Prepare the complete manuscript in a Word file format either in Polish or in English. The length of paper is limited to 7500 words including tables and figures (the word equivalent for a table or a figure is assumed as 250 words). Line numbering in the manuscript should be used.
  2. On the website run “Authors and Submission”>“Submit paper” link, then “Register” or “Log In” (if you are already registered) and enter the requested information.
    1. Fill in the required personal data.
    2. Fill in the Authors Declaration on the originality of submitted paper.
    3. Attach the file with complete manuscript in Word editor format.
    4. Fill in the required fields (title, authors, keywords, references) by copy and paste from the original text.
    5. Attach the high resolution graphic files figures in JPG or TIF format and photos of all Authors in JPG) as supplementary files.
  3. The Editorial Office will take care of the proper translation of the paper into Polish or into English. The cost of 300 USD +23% VAT (if applicable) should be paid by the Author after paper acceptation.

IV.Detailed authors guidelines

  1. The submission of manuscripts to the Editorial Office is treated as tantamount to a declaration that the content of the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication.
  2. The title of the article should be concise. The main part of the article ought to be preceded by a short summary of the state of knowledge of discussed issues. The description of the subject matter should be presented in a clear and informative way.
  3. The results should be presented in a synthetic way and the repetition ought to be avoided, for example data presented in charts should not be given in tabular form. The use of brand names and registered trademarks should be avoided. The conclusions should be a result of the conducted tests.
  4. The length of paper is limited to 7500 words, including abstract, main text, references, tables and figures. The word equivalent for a table or a figure is assumed as 250 words. For example, if six figures and four tables are submitted, the text may be no more than 5000 words. The text should be written in 12 point Times New Roman or 12 point Arial font, with line spacing 1.5 and 2.5 cm margins from each side. The content of the article should be appropriately divided into numbered chapters and sections.
  5. For formal reasons, the number of authors allowed in one article is also limited (maximum 6 people) and the number of publications cited in the article (maximum 40 references in the bibliography list).
  6. The title page of the text should include:
    • the date of submission,
    • the name and last name of authors, ORCID No., professional affiliation, complete mailing (postal) address, and official email address (not private) for each Author (in the case of corresponding Author the mobile phone number is required also),
    • the title of the paper,
    • keywords in alphabetical order (from 3 to 7),
    • word count: text + tables/figures equivalent (each of them equals 250 words of text).
  7. The length of abstract should be between 120 and 150 words. It should concisely convey the content of the paper and must be selfcontained. The abstract should present the primary objectives and scope of the study; and findings and conclusions should be presented informatively. The abstract should not contain undefined acronyms, reference citations, or displayed equations.
  8. The manuscript file in Word format should be organized as follows (see Figure):
    • Title page;
    • Abstract;
    • Body of paper containing tables with titles and figures with captions;
    • Acknowledgment (if any), e.g. about the research project under which the research described in the paper was carried;
    • References in chronological order of appearance in paper [1], [2], [3] etc.;
    • List of table titles and figure captions.
    RABDIM paper setup
  9. The Figures should be submitted as high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) image files such as: TIF (preferred), JPG, BMP, PNG, EPS or CDR. All the descriptions placed in figures should be inserted only in ARIAL font (without bold) of such size which makes them legible after reducing the drawing to the width of 89 mm. Colors on the charts should be contrasting. Figure captions are also entered into the required fields. All Figures and photos of the Authors should be also loaded to the website system (together with the submitted article) in the required resolution and good quality as supplementary files.
  10. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. If the figures or data in the tables have been derived from other works, their source should be given. In addition, a dot should be used as a decimal separator.
  11. All the symbols used in the text should be explained. Mathematical formulas ought to be numbered on the right side in parentheses, successively throughout the manuscript. The SI units should be used as a rule.
  12. References should be in English or in Polish language. Exceptionally, not more than 2-3 references in other languages are allowed. Cited publications should be numbered in square brackets, in order of appearance in the text, and listed in the bibliography at the end of the paper. Unpublished papers, internal reports, etc. should not be quoted. All the bibliographic data should be provided in the list of cited publications at the end of the paper, i.e. in a case of:
    • a book: last name and initials of the names of the Authors, book title, publishing house, place and year of publication, e.g.: Kurdowski W.: Chemia cementu i betonu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2010
    • a paper in a journal: last name and initials of the names of the Authors, paper title, journal title, volume, number and year of publication, number of initial and final page, DOI No., e.g.: Krawczyk B., Mackiewicz P., Dobrucki D.: Use of plastic waste in materials for road pavement construction and improved subgrade. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, 21, 3, 2022, 203-216, DOI: 10.7409/rabdim.022.012
    • a chapter or a paper in a joint publication: last name and initials of the names of the Authors of a chapter/paper, a chapter/paper title, a joint publication title preceded by the preposition “in”, (volume/number), publishing house, place and year of publication, number of initial and final page of a chapter/paper, e.g.: Piłat J., Sarnowski M., Application of computer image analysis for evaluation of adhesion between bitumen and aggregate, in: Adhesion in Interfaces of Building Materials: a Multi-scale Approach, Advances in Materials Science and Restoration no. 2, Aedificatio Publishers, Freiburg, 2007, 59-70
    • a published conference paper: last name and initials of the names of the Authors, paper title, conference title, publishing house, place and year of publication, pages, e.g.: Glinicka A.: Badania osiowego rozciągania prętów z wybranych gatunków stali zbrojeniowych. LOGITRANS - VII Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna Logistyka, Systemy Transportowe, Bezpieczeństwo w Transporcie, Szczyrk, 2010, 1581–1588
    • electronic publications: last name and initials of the names of the Authors, title, place) and year of publication, web address, access date, e.g. Green B.: Canny Edge Detection, 2002,, available: 02.02.2012.
  13. Authors are required to line-number the text of their papers; the line numbering facilitates the paper review process. In case of failure to comply with formal requirements, concerning the length limit of the paper or the high quality of figures, the delivered manuscript will be returned to the Authors with a request to introduce the appropriate modifications and additions.
  14. The Editors reserve the right to make editorial changes in the accepted manuscripts. The manuscript will be sent to the corresponding Author for final revision and acceptance prior to publication. Authors should proofread the DTP text in deadline time directly on the PDF file sent to them by email using Adobe software comments.
  15. It is our custom to attach Authors photos to the front page of printed article. Therefore the Authors are asked by uploading such photos in JPG format to the quarterly's website system as supplementary files. Photos do not have to be in color, they can be presented in grayscale, but it is important that their background is light and uniform.
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