Published: 2010-04-01

Reinforced concrete viaduct from beginning of the 20th century – microstructure analysis of 100 years old concrete

Daria Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka , Zbigniew Tucholski


In the paper the history of a viaduct from Railway Warsaw - Kalisz and its present condition is described. The parabolic vaulted viaduct that was built for the Railway Warsaw - Kalisz, is probably one of two oldest concrete structures in Warsaw. The quality of concrete specimens taken from parabolic vaulted viaduct is analyzed and the preparation of thin sections is described. The analysis of impregnated this sections was performed using transmitted polarized light, crossed polarized light and fluorescent light. The petrographic analysis of aggregate was conducted and the grain shape and grain size distribution is described. The paste quality was also analyzed and water-cement ratio of concrete taken from viaduct was determined in UV light. The results of thin section analysis showed that this over 100 years old structure was made from two different concretes: "old concrete" and "new concrete". "Old concrete" was cast in 1904, and "new concrete" – probably between First and Second World War as a part of some kind of repair works.

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Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, D., & Tucholski, Z. (2010). Reinforced concrete viaduct from beginning of the 20th century – microstructure analysis of 100 years old concrete. Roads and Bridges – Drogi I Mosty, 9(3), 23–37. Retrieved from

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