Published: 2014-02-01

The resistance of mortars and concrete with calcareous fly ash on alkaline corrosion

Wojciech Drożdż , Zbigniew Giergiczny


Results of the research on alkali-silica reaction in the presence of calcareous fly ash are presented in the paper. Cements containing different calcareous fly ash quantity, including addition of other non-clinker cement constituents, i.e. siliceous fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag and ground limestone, were examined. Measurements of hardening mortars and concrete linear changes, performed according to ASTM standards, were used to evaluate the influence of calcareous fly ash on mitigation of alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The significance of chosen chemical and physical properties of calcareous fly ash in suppressing ASR expansion was also analyzed. Authors indicated that proper quantities of calcareous fly ash may improve the resistance of mortars and concrete to alkali-silica reaction.


alkaline expansion, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), calcareous fly ash, concrete mortar

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Drożdż, W., & Giergiczny, Z. (2014). The resistance of mortars and concrete with calcareous fly ash on alkaline corrosion. Roads and Bridges - Drogi I Mosty, 12(2), 147–158.

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