The Ministry of Education and Science, based on an agreement concluded with the Road and Bridge Research Institute, co-financed activities related to publishing the quarterly and popularizing its scientific content as part of the project "Development of scientific journals". The project was implemented in 2022-2024 (two full years). The financial resources granted to cover the eligible costs of the project constituted the so-called "De minimis aid" of the Ministry.
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education, based on an agreement with the Road and Bridge Research Institute, co-financed the following tasks related to publishing the quarterly in 2016-2017 as part of its activities promoting science:
1. Maintaining open access to publications.
2. Translation of texts of articles accepted for printing.
3. Review of the articles by recognized foreign reviewers.
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2025)
Opublikowane: 2025-03-05