Seasonal factors for the road pavements in Polish climate conditions
Mirosław Graczyk
The paper presents the results of research into Seasonal Factors in Poland for testing bearing capacity of pavements with the use of FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometr) and BB (Benkelman Beam). Type of pavements, soil and subsoil water conditions and climate regions representative of the country were chosen for the analysis. It has been found that the value of pavement deflection depends mainly on the type and condition of structure, as well as the thickness of the pavement and the soil type. The temperature of the pavement, the soil moisture and the period of data acquisition are also of a significant importance. A period with similar average weather conditions is termed a season. Spring is the main period to measure deflection and for other periods deflection was extrapolated using seasonal factors. The value of seasonal factors for weather conditions in Poland was assessed in the course of three-year research into bearing capacity in different areas of the country. Deflection measurement method is one of the methods adopted in designing structural pavement in Poland, in accordance with standard designs in “Flexible and Semi-Rigid Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Catalogue”. The calculation of the real value of deflection of pavement surface involves accurate measuring or assuming factors as in a standard measurement. Therefore, it is very important to measure deflection value, independently of the season, in the same standard conditions. This is possible by adopting seasonal factors.
Graczyk, M. (2008). Seasonal factors for the road pavements in Polish climate conditions. Roads and Bridges - Drogi I Mosty, 7(1-2), 29–58. Retrieved from
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Mirosław Graczyk
Instytut Badawczy Dróg i Mostów, Warszawa
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