Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty
20, 3, 2021, 239-251

Identification of the number of overloaded vehicles on the basis of data from chosen weigh-in-motion preselection stations

Tomasz Kula Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa St., 03-302 Warsaw
Leszek Rafalski Mail
Road and Bridge Research Institute, 1 Instytutowa St., 03-302 Warsaw
Published: 2021-09-29


The paper presents the results of research conducted in 2014 and 2018 pertaining to the number of overloaded vehicles on chosen roads. Proportion of overloaded vehicles in the total number of vehicles was investigated, and the number of days in which the percentage of overloaded vehicles fell within the given interval was determined, taking into account different accompanying circumstances – i.e. measurements with and without concurrent inspections by the General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD) in the vicinity of the weighing station. It was established that the percentage of overloaded vehicles depended on the intensity of GITD inspections. The proportion of overloaded vehicles when no accompanying inspections were conducted equaled 25.1% (minimum value of 18.5%, maximum value of 31.4%). With occasional inspections, the share of overloaded vehicles equaled 9.0% (minimum value of 6.4%, maximum value of 11.0%). With intensive inspections, the proportion of overloaded vehicles equaled 1.2% (minimum value of 0%, maximum value of 2.5%) and 2.2% (minimum value of 0%, maximum value of 7.7%). It was observed that histograms of percentage of overloaded vehicles may be approximated using normal distribution.


overloaded vehicle, road traffic, weigh-in-motion measurements.

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Identification of the number of overloaded vehicles on the basis of data from chosen weigh-in-motion preselection stations

Kula, Tomasz; Rafalski, Leszek. Identification of the number of overloaded vehicles on the basis of data from chosen weigh-in-motion preselection stations. Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty, [S.l.], v. 20, n. 3, p. 239-251, sep. 2021. ISSN 2449-769X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 Apr. 2024. doi: