Published: 2014-12-07

Development of power by-products formation technology, their characteristics and possibilities of application in road construction technologies

Jan Pachowski


Eventful development which took place in domestic power energetic industry, especially in recent decade, on the field of different systems of coal combustion leaded to obtain with various methods by-products of combustion, like fly ashes, slag, ash-slag compounds and other products coming from fumes clearing away. These by-products can be used, as new materials, among the others in road construction technology, under condition of their proper testing and elaboration of new technologies of application. In this paper, a review of research and utilisation of fly ashes, slag, ash-slag compounds from traditional ash boilers is presented. There is given also information about former and nowadays organisations, which are busy with promotion, research and distribution of by-products of combustion of stone and brown coal as well as those, obtained from fumes clearing away in Poland and abroad. The idea, which comes from France and the Technical University of Szczecin, to name the scientific discipline which deals with combustion and by-products of combustion TEFROLOGIE (from Greek tefra - ash) is mentioned. One can stress big efforts of power energetic industry in the fieid of clearing air and atmosphere (against the hothouse effect), what is coming from international obligations. However the progress in utilisation and ways of storing of by-products of combustion and dry desulphurization of waste gases, their transportation, homogenisation, mixing with aggregates and special additives to build them in road structures is not satisfactory. Because of very differed quality of by-products of combustion and various sorts, there is a necessity of further technical and ecological tests in laboratories and in situ, on experimental road sections. Some results of research and examples of applications of different coal power plants by-products are given in this paper. Perspectives of further directions of research and utilisation of new products, especially in road construction technologies are presented.

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Pachowski, J. (2014). Development of power by-products formation technology, their characteristics and possibilities of application in road construction technologies. Roads and Bridges - Drogi I Mosty, 1(1), 59–99. Retrieved from

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