Commemoration - Jerzy Piłat (1937-2016), Professor of Warsaw University of Technology
From Editors
, Od Redakcji
On September 18, 2016 in Ostrowia Mazowiecka, Professor Jerzy Piłat passed away. Until the end of his life he participated in research and didactic work in the Division of Road Materials and Technology at Warsaw University of Technology and also at the Editorial Board of the quarterly journal “Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty”. Jerzy Piłat was born on August 19, 1937 in Warsaw. He was an outstanding scientist, an authority in the field of road construction, an author of many books and scientific publications, as well as a laureate of awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Infrastructure and the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology.
Jerzy Piłat, Professor of Warsaw University of Technology
Editors, F., & Redakcji, O. (2016). Commemoration - Jerzy Piłat (1937-2016), Professor of Warsaw University of Technology. Roads and Bridges – Drogi I Mosty, 15(4), 249–255. Retrieved from