Published: 2007-04-01

Unity of form and structure in architecture of bridges

Aleksandra Prokopska


The paper concerns the complex subject of architecture and construction of bridges, in particular selected architectural, constructional and methodological problems. The interdisciplinary analyses and considerations are accompanied with the selected examples of the architecture of bridges creating harmony with natural and organized landscape and being simultaneously characterized by the unity of form and construction. From among the presented examples of bridge architecture, the bridges of Calatrava are distingnished by organic forms particularly close to the human being. This work is directed to those in the field of science and technology, including bridge designers, architects, theoreticians of architecture, praxiologists, methodologists, as well as to future students of the arts of construction and architecture.

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Prokopska, A. (2007). Unity of form and structure in architecture of bridges. Roads and Bridges – Drogi I Mosty, 6(4), 33–51. Retrieved from

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